Firefly – Installation & Setup
Getting started with Firefly by installing Rhino, Arduino IDE and Firefly. Test it’s all working by turning on an LED using Firefly and an Arduino. Fix the ‘WriteToDAC’ error.
Getting started with Firefly by installing Rhino, Arduino IDE and Firefly. Test it’s all working by turning on an LED using Firefly and an Arduino. Fix the ‘WriteToDAC’ error.
Control an LED in Firefly by turning it on/off and making it blink in a pattern. The same process is also shown in the Arduino IDE for comparison.
How to read serial data into grasshopper / firefly from an unsupported sensor ( eg. ultrasonic distance sensor) connected to an Arduino. How to operate a second Arduino as an output in grasshopper / firefly.
A Basic demonstration guide using the touchOSC app on a phone to wirelessly control a servo with touchOSC sender and display button presses with touchOSC listner via firefly / grasshopper & Arduino.
A basic demonstration changing the colour of a Rhino 3D model with buttons connected to an Arduino via firefly / grasshopper.
A basic demonstration extruding a Rhino 3D model with a joystick and LDR connected to an Arduino via firefly / grasshopper.
A basic demonstration moving a Rhino 3D model with a joystick and potentiometer connected to an Arduino via firefly / grasshopper.
A basic demonstration of how to to dimension a Rhino 3D model in XYZ with a joystick and potentiometer connected to an Arduino via firefly / grasshopper.